With a few Italians joining up on AZFJ.org, it was time to have a cooking battle! The event was dubbed ‘Sauce on Sunday,’ was to be held at homedad’s house (pool!), and feature a few suspension installs.

Sauce on Sunday – AZFJ.org

Because homedad lives in Phoenix it was very hot in contrast to the perpetually perfect and beautiful weather we have here in Tucson. ;) The first order of business was to erect a gigantic shade by nailing a tarp to the house and tying it to some trucks!

Here Todd from Expeditioneers goes at it in the shade. He was the man of the hour with the suspensions, doing the bulk of the work himself.

The work went on well into the night. Dead stock suspensions were strewn everywhere….

The food was excellent, especially the gnocchi by Jag! I spent much of the day wrestling with kids in the pool. A tremendous day!